Leaving With More Than What I Came With… I Wouldn’t Change a Thing!

Now that I have completed my internship I’ve really noticed how many skills I have acquired during this experience. I applied for the Internship as I was, like many students, chomping at the bit to get out there in Industry and see what I can do. My journey at university never really paid off for me until I was able to prove to myself that I could actually apply all of the skills I had learnt at QUT toward a greater more tangible cause.

During my time at BMW Group, I’ve had some pretty cool moments. Many times when a task has been set out, and as I plan my solution I look back to my classes at uni and think, well I’ve learnt these skills in this class and those skills in another, all I have to do now is merge them together and it’s as easy as that. It has been a very fulfilling personal journey to realise not only the skills that I have but how I can apply them in the real world.

As a whole, the experience has left me with tenfold more than what I entered with. I arrived in Germany with a pretty open view of the internship, I wasn’t really too sure what to expect. I was thinking that I’d do a few focused design projects of some sort, I thought that maybe I might be the main character in an internship horror film, doing the coffee run or something like that; but it turned out to be much the opposite.

Not only have I learnt more technical skills than I ever thought I’d need, but I’ve also gained the interpersonal skills which we are crucial as designers through being in a corporate environment with multiple nationalities at a global company. This environment while at times high-pressure; really allows you to figure out where you stand in your field, and how you can improve. To me that is a very important part; BMW Group has allowed me to create a benchmark for myself that I can refer to in my future endeavours.

I entered my department as any other new team member would. I wasn’t treated any differently than any other new intern would have been; in fact, I was one of many interns, the interns outweighed the permanent staff. That is the key part of the experience which I think many people will love. You’re entering a super exciting period of your life surrounded by people who are experiencing the same thing. This creates a wonderful working atmosphere, one where you will be making friends for life, learning more than you ever have before, and you’ll be having a whole lot of fun while doing it.

The aforementioned corporate experience is a real selling point for my own future prospects. Not only do I leave BMW with experience that applies to other corporate roles, but I now have a very high-quality level of experience when aiming for jobs outside of a corporate space; as most people will understand what it takes to be successful in these fast-paced global industries, and understand how applicable my skills are everywhere.

During my time in Germany I’ve had some pretty cool moments too, whether it was taking 6AM trains toward the South and seeing the rolling green hills meet the snow, swimming in Alpine pools, cycling through parks, meeting the locals, seeing the famed beer gardens, or lazing around in the sun. If the romanticised European life is what you’re looking for, then Munich has you covered.

After my wonderful summer, exciting work life, and an overall good shake of the sauce bottle, it’s only fair to ask myself; Would I do it again? I wouldn’t change a thing. 

Take care,

Jacob Rankin
BMW Group Design Intern 2021


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